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17. Live Bull Fight

General Rules
Bull Fight is played with a single deck of cards. The result is based on Red Bull hand against the Blue Bull hand, according to Bull Fight game rules (refer to Ranking List below).

5 cards each will be dealt to Red Bull and Blue Bull. Out of the 5 cards, find 3 cards which can add up to 10 or any multiple of 10 (forms the Left Side). And the remaining 2 cards (forms the Right Side) points will be added. If the right side adds up to over 10, the total has to minus 10.

Game Play
Wager on “Red Bull” and “Blue Bull” will be pushed when both sides result are the same based on the Ranking List (no further comparison of Suits/Value)

Tie bet pays 5:1 and a TIE condition is met if “Red Bull” and “Blue Bull” have the same rank as per the ranking list. These below example illustrates a TIE condition on Bull 9:

- Red Bull hand: [5 ♦] [5 ♣] [J ♥] , [3 ♣] [6 ♥]
- Blue Bull hand: [Ace ♥] [2 ♦] [7♦] , [2 ♣] [7 ♥]

- Red Bull hand: [7♦] [Ace ♦] [2 ♦], [3 ♦] [6 ♦]
- Blue Bull hand: [7♠] [Ace ♠] [2 ♠], [3 ♠] [6 ♠]

“Double Bull Bull” wager wins when both Red Bull and Blue Bull are Bull Bull rank, pays 100:1

Side bets for “Bull 1”, “Bull 2”, ……, “Bull 9”, “Bull Bull”, “Silver Bull/Gold Bull/Bomb/Five Calf” are available with below payout. Respectively wager wins when either Red Bull or Blue Bull has the specific rank wagered on.

In below example, bets on “Bull 8” and “Bull 9” will pay 5:1
- Red Bull hand: [5 ♦] [5 ♣] [J ♥] , [4 ♣] [4 ♥]
- Blue Bull hand: [Ace ♥] [2 ♦] [7♦] , [2 ♣] [7 ♥]

In below example, bets on “Bull 9” will still pay 5:1
- Red Bull hand: [5 ♦] [5 ♣] [J ♥] , [3 ♣] [6 ♥]
- Blue Bull hand: [Ace ♥] [2 ♦] [7♦] , [2 ♣] [7 ♥]

In below example, bets on “Silver Bull/Gold Bull/Bomb/Five Calf” will pay 120:1
- Red Bull hand: [Q ♦] [K ♣] [J ♥] , [Q ♣] [K ♥]
- Blue Bull hand: [Ace ♥] [3 ♦] [2♦] , [2 ♣] [Ace ♥]

Red Bull0.95:1
Blue Bull0.95:1
Bull 15:1
Bull 25:1
Bull 35:1
Bull 45:1
Bull 55:1
Bull 65:1
Bull 75:1
Bull 85:1
Bull 95:1
Bull Bull5:1
Double Bull Bull100:1
Silver Bull/Gold Bull/Bomb/Five Calf120:1

RANKING LISTING (Descending order)

Rank OrderRank Name[Left Side 3 cards] [Right Side 2 cards]Description
1Five Calf5 cards consist of A, 2, 3, 4 and the sum points of five cards are equal to or smaller than 10 points.
2Bomb4 cards are the same points
3Gold BullEach card are bigger than 10 points, not including card 10.
4Silver BullEach card are bigger than 10 points, at least include a card 10.
5Bull Bull3 cards add up to a multiple of 10. The rest of 2 cards add up to 10 or 20.
6Bull 93 cards add up to a multiple of 10. The rest of 2 cards add up to 9 or 19.
7Bull 83 cards add up to a multiple of 10. The rest of 2 cards add up to 8 or 18.
8Bull 73 cards add up to a multiple of 10. The rest of 2 cards add up to 7 or 17.
9Bull 63 cards add up to a multiple of 10. The rest of 2 cards add up to 6 or 16.
10Bull 53 cards add up to a multiple of 10. The rest of 2 cards add up to 5 or 15.
11Bull 43 cards add up to a multiple of 10. The rest of 2 cards add up to 4 or 14.
12Bull 33 cards add up to a multiple of 10. The rest of 2 cards add up to 3 or 13.
13Bull 23 cards add up to a multiple of 10. The rest of 2 cards add up to 2 or 12.
14Bull 13 cards add up to a multiple of 10. The rest of 2 cards add up to 1 or 11.
15No Bull3 cards cannot add up to a multiple of 10.

Terms & Conditions:

  1. Exposed card
    • Any exposure of in-game cards (less burn cards) during bets offering will result in voiding of hand
    • Appropriate action will be taken by management for exposed cards during shuffling, depending on the stage of shuffling and number of exposed cards.
  2. Dropped cards
    • Cards that fall outside of the camera visual during shuffling, burning and scooping will be picked up and reused.
    • Cards that fall outside of camera visual during dealing will be reused only if it was exposed before getting out of sight. Otherwise, the particular hand will be voided.
  3. Wrong dealing sequence or placement of cards
    • Reconstruction of actual cards will be carried out if error was discovered before submission
    • Result will be edited if dealer dealt in the sequence from Player 3 -> Player 2 -> Player 1 -> Dealer for the entire hand. Settlement will swap the result of Player 1 with Player 3.
    • Management reserves the rights to void erroneous hand
  4. Cards jammed in shuffling machine
    • In circumstances when cards are jammed in the shuffling machine during dealing of the game , management reserves the rights to void the hand.
  5. Accidental clearance of cards from shuffling machine
    • In the event if balance cards of the in-game deck is cleared out from shuffling machine (due to machine fault or human error), management reserves the rights to void the hand.