1. Pok Deng
Pok Deng is a card game between 6 players and the dealer (also a player) whereby players compare their cards in hand against the dealer. All players aims to achieve a total of 8(Pok 8) or 9(Pok 9) with the 2 cards they draw at the beginning of each round and is given the option to draw 1 more additional card if required. The better the combination of cards the better the multiplier would be against the dealer.
A game of Pok Deng consist of a single 52-card deck which includes 13 ranks of each suits:
Clubs (♣)
Diamonds (♦)
Hearts (♥)
Spades (♠)
Each card in Pok Deng carries a fix amount of points ranging from Ace to 10.
Face Cards: King, Queen, Jack - 0 Points
Game Flow
Member needs to ensure that they have sufficient balance to Buy-in before joining a table. There are 2 types of players in Super Bull game, a Player and a Dealer.
Dealer – The Dealer compares their hand against all players.
Player – Player/s ONLY compares their hand against the Dealer.
A game begins with the dealer bidding phase:
- Player bids for the 1 or 10 consecutive rounds for the Dealer position.
- If nobody bids for the Dealer, a Dealer will be chosen at random.
- If 2 or more players bid on the Dealer position, the Dealer will be chosen at random between the bidding players.
After the dealer has been chosen , players can then place a fixed bet amount against the dealer depending on the dealer’s total buy-in amount. Once confirmed, each player would be dealt 2 cards each.
If a player has a Pok all players would have to reveal their cards immediately and skip straight to the hand comparison phase if not players would be given the option to draw 1 more additional card or pass starting with the dealer and only after would players then compare their hands.
Once a round is completed, players would be given the option to leave the table or remain seated to continue playing. Players with insufficient funds would automatically be prompted to buy-in in-order to continue playing.
In the event of a draw game, both players and dealer will be charged half the rake for the stake placed.
Card Value
Three aspects of a player's hand determine the scoring: the hand type, taem (numerical value of the overall hand, is simply the sum of the cards) and deng (the bet multiplier, determined by the relationship among the cards in hand).
Card Rankings
When comparing hands player the type of hands the player has at the end of each round determines their hand ranking as well as the multiplier for their winnings. The list below displays the hand ranks in order of strongest to weakest.
1. Pok - If a player’s initial first 2 cards in hand adds up to a total of 8 or 9. The player will automatically announce and shows this cards face-up. Pok is also considered an instant win scenario skipping player’s ability to draw a 3rd card and immediately fast forwarding to the hand comparison phase.
(i.e Pok 9 - 9♣ J♣) (i.e. Pok 8 - 8♦ K♠)
2. Straight Flush - A straight flush is when a player has 3 cards in running sequence with the same suit.
(i.e 4♥ 5♥ 6♥)
3. Tong - A Tong is when a player gets a 3 of a kind. (i.e A♣ A♠ A♥)
4. Straight - A straight is when a player has 3 cards of running sequence with different suits.
(i.e. 8♦ 9♣ 10♥)
5. Sam Luaeng - If a player draws their 3rd card and all 3 cards in their hands are picture cards.
(i.e. Q♥ K♦ K♠)
6. Normal - Any other type of hand